
Numeracy Curriculum Policy Whole-school Plan

In Numeracy students engage in activities that are responsive to their age and abilities.

The teachers use a wide range of materials and structured learning aids to develop mathematical concepts related to the immediate environment.

A huge emphasis is placed on oral language in numeracy.

Understanding and use of common mathematical language is emphasised.

Students learn to develop an initial awareness of number, shape, size, time etc.

These concepts are developed across the whole curriculum particularly in art, music and drama and home-economics.

Depending on ability levels students may then progress to understanding and preforming simple mathematical operations.

Our older students place great emphasis on their independent skills and work on their functional use of mathematical concepts in social situations is encouraged.

Visits to shops and restaurants enhance their motivation and quality of learning.

Bus training at senior level also incorporates learning to understand time and reading bus time-tables if appropriate.


Teachers use a wide range of materials to teach numeracy.

  1. Oral Language
  2. Concrete Materials
  3. Work-sheets
  4. Numicon
  5. ICT


The school decided to take a whole school approach in numeracy during the “self –evaluation process “and it was decided to purchase Numicon for every class to teach mathematical concepts in a concrete way.

Teachers took training in Numicon and worked closely to develop a whole school consistent approach across all classes.

This has been highly successful.


A wide variety of software is used to develop mathematical concepts and to encourage individual work.

The school has invested heavily in technology over the past year including Whiteboards, IPADs and Computers .A list of computer software programmes and Apps ids available to all staff.

Staff share knowledge of new Apps from various sources and skills and expertise within the school and from various clinicians are shared and developed.

Teachers are made aware of any opportunities for further professional development through participation in courses in Educational Centres or on-line or during summer professional courses.


Teachers use the CAT assessment tool for assessing student’s levels.

Recording of student’s worksheets is also kept.

Teachers also use videos to record student progress especially when out in the community paying for purchases in shops or meals in restaurants.


Students may identify goals to learn mathematical concepts such as Time and Money through their IEP

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Thank you to all involved from Skerries Community College!
St. Michael's House
Special National School,
Co. Dublin,
RCN: 20204780

01 849 0976

Member of NABMSE
© 2025 St Michael's House, Skerries