Whole School Activities

Whole School Activities
Whole School Activities

The children in our school are aged from 4 years up to 18 years old. We like to take part in lots of whole school activities.

Every Friday the whole school gathers together for Assembly.

We might listen to anyone who wants to share their news and our Principal might like to share some news with the whole school.

We like to sing some songs together and perhaps take out the instruments to play along with Pat’s guitar.

If we are celebrating a particular time of the year ie Halloween or Christmas then we might sing some songs to enhance these celebrations. We may even practise for our Christmas performance during assembly in the weeks running up to the event.

Out and About

We like to make whole trips to various places during the year. A favourite annual trip is to the Botanic Gardens during the month of October to visit the Sculpture Exhibition held every year. It is a particularly nice time to visit s the leaves are turning golden and we often spy squirrels gathering nuts for the winter.

Another favourite trip is to visit Country Crest in Lusk. The lovely people there invite the whole school over to their canteen for a big Christmas Party every year. Santa drops by with presents and we have a great sing song with him.

We also visit the local secondary school, Skerries Community College where we party with the 6th years and enjoy a wonderful morning with them.

Each year we invite different groups of people to visit and spend time in our school. We have had The Discovery Gospel Choir entertain us regularly. Also the local Soundwaves art and drama community week have sent wonderful musicians up to play for us.

On very special occasions we have invited the wonderful Garda Band to come and perform. We have enjoyed many entraining musical sessions with them.

Every Christmas our whole school put on a performance in the Milbank Theatre in Rush for our Parents and Friends. Our annual concert is always a sell out and it is a huge highlight in the school calendar. We love to see our past pupils come to support us every year.

We like to entre competitions during the year and one year we reached the finals of the Bord Gais Student Theatre Awards.

We also won a national competition called “Meet the Spuds “and won a big prize which was presented to us in the Botanic gardens.

Another time we entered a competition to design a playground and one of our pupils took first prize and was awarded a lot of money to go towards building our playground.

We took first prise in a national competition to design a garden sponsored by the Irish Independent and we were very proud to win first prize.

We like to visit “Music in the Classroom “when it is held by the RTE National Concert Orchestra. We have been to the TLT Theatre in Drogheda to see them and to the Helix in Dublin and to The National Concert Hall in Dublin.

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Thank you to all involved from Skerries Community College!
St. Michael's House
Special National School,
Co. Dublin,
RCN: 20204780

01 849 0976

Member of NABMSE
© 2025 St Michael's House, Skerries